Lost Wages After An Accident: What You Should Know

If you get hurt in an accident at work, in a car accident, or another type of incident, you will likely have to take some time off of work to recover. In cases in which you do not have disability benefits at work, a lack of paid time off, or if you do not get paid time as part of your benefits package, you may find that you do not get paid any money while you are away recovering. [Read More]

3 Ways A Divorce Lawyer Will Help You If You Have Contentions Over High-Value Assets

Separating from your spouse can be an emotionally draining but necessary step, especially if you have irreconcilable differences. This process can be more difficult if you co-own businesses, off-shore and on-shore trusts, and other substantial assets and investments. If you don't have communication issues with your partner, you may be tempted to think that you can strike a deal and divide these assets without the assistance of a legal professional. While it may work, any slight mistake could lead to expensive lawsuits in the future. [Read More]

Common Myths And Misconceptions About Alimony

When two people divorce, it is not uncommon for one of the former partners to seek and win alimony, or spousal support. Alimony is typically paid to a spouse that needs to reenter the job market, does not make as much as the other spouse, or the spouse that the judge feels is entitled to some monetary compensation. Here are a few of the most common myths and misconceptions surrounding alimony. [Read More]

3 Key Legal Divorce Stages That Your Divorce Lawyers Will Handle

A divorce process can be overwhelming, painful, and time-consuming. Without proper representation, you can make mistakes that could cost you. Luckily, a divorce lawyer can help you navigate the legal processes. Here are three key stages these lawyers will help you to handle. 1. Filing for Separation When couples decide to separate, they have to file for a separation. Doing this task yourself can be quite difficult because it requires a lot of paperwork and financial information. [Read More]